What word would you choose to focus on for the entire year?

In years past, as I entered into the new year, I made resolutions. For some, it seems like an appropriate moment to pledge to make life better. But in the last several years, I have instead resolved to approach each day in a year with a daily resolution to remember my baptism with a word – to remember each day one word that can focus my life. Not a resolution soon to be broken, but a word. One word. Me choosing it – it choosing me. It doesn’t always happen at the beginning of the year or right away, I let it come to me. One word to give shape and meaning to my choices, to encourage growth in my actions. Helping me shape the question – who am I becoming? To what is God calling me? What do I need to get there? One word.
One Word.
“The word that has come to me through prayer these last few weeks is “connection.” Connection with myself, with God, and with others. Connection at home, at church, in the world. When days are hard, and challenges are real I will choose connection.”
There is power in word made flesh. Scripture from John says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God… and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” So what word could you lift up this year that would help the living word become flesh and dwell among you in your life?
The word that has come to me through prayer these last few weeks is “connection.” Connection with myself, with God, and with others. Connection at home, at church, in the world. When days are hard, and challenges are real I will choose connection.
Now for some, you might not be ready yet to jump headfirst into the new year, or the third year of a pandemic. You are weary and not ready to unleash your passion. Just because you are not ready today doesn't mean you won’t be ready tomorrow or in a few days – or ever. Until then – may you move through that grief of letting go of the picture you had of what your lives would look like with grace, love, and compassion. If no one has told you this – you have permission to stay right where you are until you choose for yourself that you are ready to move forward.
Your Turn!
If you would like help choosing a word for the year, you can click the link below in the to have a random word chosen for you.